What's In Your Office?

Jan 23, 2017


Do you have an office? If so, what does it look like?

How would a visitor feel once they walk in?

How would a student feel?

How about a parent?

Here's the bottom line of this blog post: 


I've been a part of lots of youth minister circles and social media groups in which youth ministers complain of not being taken seriously. They argue that the church leadership sees youth ministers as fun-loving entertainers. Others see them as event coordinators. And some youth ministers are not even considered as ministers or pastors. This treatment also comes from parents and teens themselves. What have we done to deserve this?

Well, for one, I'd like to challenge all youth ministers to challenge the status quo. That's right. I'm going to be in your face in this blog post, but remember that I'm on your side.

Here we go...

Stop making your office an extension of your personality. Sure, it's fun to decorate your office with a bunch of Star Wars memorabilia or...

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Stop Trying To Relate

Jan 09, 2017


Before we begin, please click on the following link, watch the 4-minute video, and come back here to continue reading (I'll wait): SNL Substitute Teacher Sketch

Did you watch it? Be honest...


As youth workers, we often believe we need to relate to our students and/or parents in order to effectively minister to their needs. While being able to relate is a great connecting point with a student, it is not always necessary.

Disclaimer: I am not writing about Relational Ministry. If you do not build a relationship with the students in your ministry, you need to realize the importance of this. What I am writing about is the attempt to relate (to identify with through experience).

First, let me begin by addressing two things from the video you saw (or should have already seen) above.

  1. Don't try too hard
  2. Be your authentic self

Look, in case you didn't or couldn't watch the video, it's about a substitute teacher who comes into an English class and...

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